Build your support network
Recovery Partners .Inc., is an information technology company focusing on the drug treatment industry. Our goal is to improve the lives of individuals going through recovery and increase the information and efficacy rates for the treatment centers. We always aim to improve a persons experience and longevity through recovery by utilizing our digital tools and data to transform the recovery industry and help the very next person who is struggling.


Mark Van Loucks
Mark is a cable TV Pioneer, helping to start HBO, ESPN and several other channels. Since then he has become an investor and is always on the lookout for projects that make an impact. He and his group have invested in Casinos, cellular, robotics and many others. Mark has served as a mentor to this group and project.

Charles Van Loucks
Charles is an experienced film director and entrepreneur. He is a graduate of the New York Film Academy and directed an award-winning short film in the Honolulu Film Awards. Charles is active within the recovery community and came up with the idea for an applied technology resource after experiencing a lack in the transition process, himself. Charles Strives to help the very next person struggling with addiction and he and his team have created an entire platform to do just that.